The Modelica Association and Politecnico di Milano organized the 7th International Modelica Conference at the Grand Hotel di Como, Como, Italy, on September 20-22, 2009.

- Keynote talks were given by representatives from Dassault Systèmes, Daimler, and Siemens, about the ITEA2 European Modelica-related research projects EUROSYSLIB, MODELISAR, and OPENPROD, which are boosting the application of the Modelica language in the industry as a standard tool for system design and verification.
- 219 registered participants attended the conference. 105 technical papers were presented, 83 in regular sessions and 22 in the poster session. All technical papers are available in the online Proceedings.
- 5 Tutorials were offered, ranging from introductory presentations of the Modelica language to more advanced topics such as optimization. Click here for more information.
- 9 Modelica-enabled tools were presented in the Tool presentation sessions. The Modelica language is well on his way to become the industry standard for engineering system modelling and simulation.
- 13 Exhibitors showed Modelica-related software and services throughout the conference duration.
Conference Proceedings
The conference program, book of abstracts and other information are available here:
The full bibliographic reference is:
Proceedings of the 7th International Modelica Conference.
Como, Italy, 20-22 September 2009.
Francesco Casella, editor.
Linköping University Electronic Press, 2009.
ISBN 978-91-7393-513-5.
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings, ISSN:1650-3740.
DOI: 10.3384/ecp0943
Each single paper is also referenced by an individual DOI identifier, which is stamped on bottom of the first page.